Own3d Pro Logo

Indique um amigo

Você pode encontrar o [Indique um amigo](https://www.own3d. ro/dashboard/accountt-settings/referral-overview/) com seu link de indicação e uma visão geral de todos os outros streamers indicados, clicando em sua imagem de perfil em own3d.pro no item de menu "Indique um amigo."

Quando receberei minhas recompensas?

As soon as a user registers for OWN3D Pro for the first time through your link and subscribes to our OWN3D Pro service with the same account, you will be able to collect your reward for that user. 

Quando posso começar a usar minhas recompensas?

As recompensas serão desbloqueadas imediatamente e creditadas na sua conta assim que você resgatá-las.

Quais são as recompensas para as indicações?

You can always find an overview of all the rewards you can get in your Refer a Friend dashboard.

Preciso de uma assinatura OWN3D Pro para receber recompensas?

No. Any OWN3D Pro user can earn rewards once a user first registers through their link and subscribes to OWN3D Pro with their account.

Onde posso ver quais usuários eu indiquei?

In the Refer a friend dashboard, you will find the overview of all referred friends and streamers. As soon as a user registers for OWN3D Pro using your link, they will be displayed in your dashboard.

Por que não consigo receber minha recompensa mesmo com alguém já inscrito?

You can collect your reward once per user subscribing to OWN3D Pro through your link. Once you have redeemed this reward, it will not be possible to redeem it again.

Once you subscribe to OWN3D Pro with the same account you registered with through a Refer a Friend link, you will receive a one-time extra credit for your first subscription period. With this, you can unlock stream assets of your choice, like panels or emotes. Also, the person who referred you can collect their reward after you subscribe to OWN3D Pro.